23 November 2006

"Join A Network Group And Save Yourself Legwork"

Think about this for a moment, everything you have done or ever achieved has come by making use of a network of people, contacts, colleagues and so on. A computer on its own is termed a 'dumb' terminal as it is unable to function like a computer that is part of a network. If you connect two computers together, you can share, garther, communicate, collaborate, develop and manage resources, increase business, are you getting the picture, your success in business or career is directly propotional to the size and quality of your network.

Need more proof? Well, ask yourself, why is the likes of Google and Rupert Murdock of Sky and others buying up online network communities otherwise known as social networking websites, paying $Billions of dollars for businesses that have only been around a few years, and predominantly online. It is primarily similar to the analogy of the computers in a network. Networking sites are a phenomenon which have gradually crept up on us allowing people to communicate, share, develop themselves personally and professionally, and also do business. Does that sound like an opportunity to you? It is a massive one, where the owners and investors can be the gateway, the main portal hub for people going online. I am sure you have heard of friendsreunited and spin offs that have created as a result, for instance, they have a job section for you to find jobs, so not only can you find friends and family, but you can find jobs, potential long term partners as well as opportunities to chat with people with similar interest.

So why is this is so important for you looking to become competitive and secure your dream job in the 21st century. Well the main reason is, your dream job and dream contact could be lurking on these networking sites. A growing number of savvy recruiters are now utilising these mediums to find their candidates, and so if you are not a part of the network you may loose out to other equally savvy candidates.

Even more wise, is to find niche sites for your interest or career, like engineers, they have the Institute of engineering and technology and various more specific sites. So you need to realise the importance of this so that you don't loose out on a big opportunity.

Networking sites are not the only thing you should be aware of, but also you need to be in tune with other sources of educational material or training, whatever it might be, you need to find a source you can rely upon when needed. For instance, if you need to learn or get your CV done, who do you turn to for advice? If you need a second opinion about a career move who do you ask? If you are looking for a top job, who do you speak with? And so on.. You see every successful business person has a network, it is what they use to save themselves legwork. Do you think Donald Trump, Sir Alan Sugar, Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Tony Blair, Your MD, Your Manager have a network, you can bet top dollar that they all have a ready stream of advisors to turn. So are they any different to you, maybe in terms of bank balance, besides this, ofcourse not. And so, does it not make sense that you have a team of your own. If you wish to get ahead in the 21st century job market you will need to assemble your own dream team.

In Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene's excellent book on geniuses, it's titled, "the book of geniuses and how to unleash your own". They describe the makeup or characteristics of leading world famous geniuses such as Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, Charles Darwin, Andrew Carnegie, Leonardo da Vinci, Michealangelo, Abraham Lincoln, Dante Alighieri, Socrates, Plato, Achimedes and Aristotle to name but a few..One of the main features of life was that they were surrounded by brilliant minds or mastermind group as they put it in the book. For instance, Lao-Tzu had Confucius and Buddha, Plato had Socrates, Alexander the Great had Aristotle, and so on.. Bill Gates was not only surrounded by some of the brilliant minds on the planet he hired them too.

And so you see, this is a path well throudened, no need to re-invent the wheel. In order to get ahead in the 21st century job market, you need to surround yourselves with brilliant minds as well as contacts whom just might hold the keys to finding you your dream job.

Look forward to speaking with you soon on another exciting tip.



At 12:11 AM, Blogger Evan Carmichael said...

Great post! I hadn't heard of this book before. I made a comment on it in my blog at http://www.evancarmichael.com/Mastermind-Group/index.html

Keep up the great work!


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Evan Carmichael said...

Great post! I hadn't heard of this book before. I made a comment on it in my blog at http://www.evancarmichael.com/Mastermind-Group/index.html

Keep up the great work!



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