How To Get the Edge Over Your Competition
Just like in business you need to establish your Unique Selling Point (USP), as this will give you an advantage over your competitors. Determining your USP is about identifying your benefits, values that you have to offer the client. There is a lot to be said about not having to re-invent the wheel, that maybe true and why should you, however what i am saying is that in your job, career search when attending an interview you have to know in your mind and be clear as crystal what it is that makes you unique.
Remember, in an interview situation, you are the product offering to solve the customer's issue or problem, so your solutuion needs to have easily identifiable benefits, something of value that can assist the company you intend to work with. So next when you are in an interview, don't just mention platitudes for example, i have drive and ambition and so on, instead state examples, use stories, use 3rd party referrals or speak in third persons, as people are more likely to believe what someone else said about you than what you say of yourself, strange but true.
Some examples from the business world:
"4 Books for a $dollar" – Copywriter Maxwell Sackheim created Book of Month club, now the largest in the world. Other book clubs and publishers have modelled their marketing on this concept
"Buy 1 get 1 free" – Very successful USP coined by Mary Carter Paint company in the 50s and 60s.
"Pizza delivered in 30 mins or it’s free" – Unique USP invented by Founder Tom Monaghan, changed the pizza business. Responsible for huge success of Domino’s Pizza business worldwide.
"Sunglasses which protect your eyes" – Affordable sunglasses at $50 per glass, sold millions.
"Audio Tapes which inspires" – Nightingale Conant is the world’s largest company selling motivational material, selling products for the likes of Anthony Robbins and so on..
Now, i am not saying you should develop some fancy catchphrase which you then read off to your interviewer, no, not if you wish to be taken seriously. These are meant to show you examples of how they have worked successfully in the business world, and so i am just showing you why it is important you too think of your benefits, what it is you have to offer to your prospective client or company. The company is more likely to respect what you inspect as oppose to what you expect from them.
So how do you determine your USP? Write down the benefits and values you as a product have to offer on a piece of paper and focus on your achievements. Also when making your notes, think of how they can benefit your client or company, put the focus on the company, when you do this you are working with human relations, as Les Giblin says.